Andy Warhol once said, “Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.” Many of you are probably wondering what money has to do with art, as managing and mining finance data sounds like the last thing you want to do, especially when you don’t really know what you’re doing.

Sometimes you’re too focused on creating new products and finding customers that you forget to look at your money. But, it still has to get done and we’re here to provide you with all of the information you need to know about analyzing your financial data. But, more importantly, we’re here to offer our data services.

Chameleon Technologies can offer you a custom-made financial analysis dashboard just for you and your business. We can automate the process, making it easier for you to understand your data and assess your financial status. Through the use of Power BI, our data experts can create just what you need to leverage all your data.

By letting us automate your financial data we are able to view your balance sheets, P&L’s, cash flow projections, and cash flow statements. We can provide an in-depth analysis of your financials, which will allow you to view the changes over a period of time and depict every income statement amount, representing them as a percentage of sales. Additionally, you will be able to compare your current financial numbers to your past performance. This will help you with forecasting.

But why is this important?

Automating your data means identifying your businesses weaknesses and strengths; assessing past and current financial positions; predicting future performance, and observing trends and benchmarking your data against competitors.

Are you wondering how this is supposed to help you in terms of your pricing strategy?

You will know your market better thus be able to set a price according to the market’s metrics. You’ll be able to view and analyze all the factors involved. Remember, your value changes with your expertise and what’s more valuable than knowing the nature of your expenses?

Let us help you!